Cholesterol and triglycerides

Cholesterol and triglycerides  

Cholesterol and triglycerides - cholesterol is the basic component of steroid hormones (testosterone, progesterone, cortisone and estradiol). Cholesterol is found in the cell membranes of all animal cells, and its main task is regulating the fluidity of the membrane. Cholesterol also plays a key role in the synthesis of vitamin D3. The lipid profile check allows to determine the HDL cholesterol fraction (the so-called "good" cholesterol) and LDL (the so-called "bad" cholesterol) and triglyceride levels, which is especially important for people with cardiovascular problems and hypertension. Understanding the influence of lipid profile components on the risk of cardiovascular disease is very important. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not the level of total cholesterol that affects the state of our cardiovascular system. The crucial are triglycerides and HDL levels, or more precisely - the proportion between them. The already known results of scientific studies confirm the influence of the triglyceride ratio on HDL on the number of cardiovascular events. The proportion of 2 and less indicates a healthy lipid profile, while the closer to 5, the greater the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders. Therefore, a healthy level of triglycerides is so important (up to 100 mg / dL) also high HDL (over 60 mg / dL). The only substance that decreases triglyceride levels in a significant way - because about 35% - is niacin, which you will find here as Vitamin B3 Niacin. It also raises HDL levels by around 10%. It is worth to mention, that according to scientists, commonly used statins have absolutely no effect on triglyceride levels, sadly they also lower the level of so-called "good cholesterol" (HDL). Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. In our offer you will find a whole range of supplements containing these fatty acids - additionally enriched with other valuable nutrients, for example Super Omega-3 EPA / DHA with Sesame Lignans & Olive Extract. Healthy cholesterol levels will be supported by Mega Green Tea Extract (decaffeinated) - the content of polyphenols in one capsule is higher than in seven cups of green tea. Advanced Lipid Control helps maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and helps inhibit inflammation, and by supporting healthy endothelial function, it also supports heart health.

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