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Health Guide -®

Newsletter - Przewodnik po zdrowiu

Practical Information About Health and Nutrients

  • Supplementary ways to support many chronic diseases
  • Each part is devoted to one health issue
  • Selected articles from the extensive Knowledge Base for a given disease
  • Messages received every 3-4 days

We have come to the point when there is an excess of information. They come from very different sources. Sometimes it's really difficult to distinguish the truth from the fake. Whom to believe?

This is why it is worth to go back to the source and become familiar with the basics of the functioning of our body. It works very logically and with a lot of sense. Unfortunately, most often we ourselves are responsible for causing deep imbalances in the body, which results in many dangerous diseases. Often this happens unconsciously. Have many people so far associated, for example, such fashionable and recommended low-fat diets with the formation of stones in the gall bladder or memory problems?

Our most important task nowadays is to disturb the body in proper functioning as little as possible. We are capable to live about 140 years. Reports say that members of the Hunza tribe in the Himalayas live that long - or just a little less. If we live shorter - we can only thank our eating habits and lifestyle. One can even say that sometimes civilization supports our shorter life.

The good news is that we know more and more about what to do to keep our body in balance and let it live in good health for as long as possible. I have the impression that I am only at the beginning of this road, when I discover new fascinating reports every now and then. An introduction to this knowledge is included in the Health Guide. And although it contains a lot of useful information, its main goal is to realize that there may be other ways to stay in good health, than widely promoted and encouraged to continue to search for and discover the benefits of nature. It opens the door to a completely different approach to health, treatment and prevention. If you have not come across this type of approach so far - I would like to warn you: after reading the Guide, the approach to health and treatment will never be the same again. However, I think it is worth taking this risk.

Subjects Covered in the Health Guide

The guide covers 13 issues related to our health. Each issue is supported with one or several health articles selected from our extensive Knowledge Base.

The topics of each part includes:

  • Cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Depression
  • Neoplasms (Cancer)
  • Brain
  • Digestive system
  • Joints
  • Osteoporosis
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Women's hormonal balance
  • Prostate
  • Rejuvenation
  • Summary

The guide is free and you can opt out at any time.

However, I think that it will be a great source of inspiration for you, how to care for your and your loved ones' health. The time spent reading its contents will be a wise investment in your most valuable asset - health.

Ireneusz Adamczyk

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